Wallpaper.DigitalFreeloader.com – Free Wallpaper Site



wallpaper.digitalfreeloader.com is a continuation of my “Digital Freeloader” brand in which my end goal was to create a number of different themed image-focused sites. However, the site receives fairly low traffic and the project will likely not be pushed.

Although the design/look of this site is mostly credited to theme developers I did quite a bit of back end modifications to simplify content creation and maintenance. The theme itself would require a person to load each image 1 by 1, creating a portfolio page and attaching the image to it and configuring the appropriate settings. I got into some heavy scripting here and made it so that I can just name and categorize the images and then upload them in bulk. The portfolios get created automatically and a settings template gets applied across the board.

The site also features a time release mechanism created by me which lets me upload a few hundred images and have them release over the course of a few months, to help drive SEO scores for new content vs old content.

Site Features:

  • Fully responsive design
  • Heavily scripted automations for content creation
  • Scripted release of “articles” to website over time